Victoria over at
Bumble Beans was looking for people to quilt some quilt tops she had for the
Basics fundraiser. I figure it would give me more time on the longarm and I do need it. I love doing things for people that are working on such a good cause. She sent me 2 quilt tops and I'm glad that I am able to help.
These 2 pictures are the first quilt I did and is such a nice quilt. Last night I got the next one loaded and will get it done and shipped out by Monday morning.
Last weekend Mike, Taylor and I went camping. Taylor is so much fun to have around. Her Mom and the 2 babies came and also Justin brought his girlfriend, Sarah and Raychel came for dinner and a bonfire.
I think we biked about 20 miles over the 2 days and Taylor could not believe that Grandpa Mike could be so far ahead of us at his age (56). Funny how old that is to a 12 year old and is not old when you are 56. I remember when I was in my 20's and thinking how old 40 was and here I am 51.
We came across this tank and of course Taylor had to get up on it and get her picture taken for Mom.
Mike and Taylor absolutely love each other. The both are very funny and make each other laugh. She really does keep us going.
This is the very first picture I have ever posted of myself but I promised her that I would post a picture of her and I.
I have been so self conscience since putting on so much weight. I have been struggling with my thyroid for quite a few years and finally my doctor told me on Monday no more white flour, sugar, starches and bad carbs. He guarantees me that I will lose at least 2 pounds a week by just doing that. I hope so.

Mike and Taylor being goofy. She hates wearing her helmet but she wears it. Mike was trying to show how great you can look like with the helmet on or should I say how old (just kidding Mike).
In Minnesota this time of the year is perfect time for camping. Warm enough during the day and cool enough at night for the bonfires. We were suppose to go this weekend but we figured we better take advantage of beautiful weather and get the yard cleaned up before the snow flies. I heard that it is going to be a very hard winter
This is the most recent picture of my daughter, Raychel. For anyone that does not know she had been very ill for 4-1/2 years. 1-1/2 years ago she weight 80 pounds and at 5'8" that was such a scary time. She just found out that she has to have another surgery and I am so thankful that she has finally put weight on. When she needed surgeries before it was always so life threatening so this time won't be that way. She also has epilepsy which we found out about 3 years ago and because she was always so ill the seizures had always been on the back burner. Last January she went in for a EEG and the dr called and wanted her to come in right away to discuss the results. Mike and I had just left for our 5 week trip and I was going to fly home for it and she refused to go. She promised me that we would go see the dr when I got back home. Well guess what she finally went last week, yes 7 months later. The dr gave us horrifying news, Raychel had 20 seizures over the 24 hour period that she had the EEG wires connected. Raychel started crying and it took everything I had to be strong for her. She did have a bad seizure during that time and we knew that but the other ones are smaller seizures and were lasting from 1-2 minutes. Well she is on more meds and hope that they work, unfortunately it takes 3 months of slowly increasing the dose to get to the right amount. She thought all this time that she was having anxiety attacks and taking meds for that to find out they were seizures. She is amazing to deal with everything that she has been faced with the last 4-1/2 years.