Thursday, November 25, 2010

OK I know I don't seem to be posting anything positive lately but I truly believe that bad things come in 3's. 

Well the first thing was my sister in law being diagnosed with ovarian cancer and was told on Monday that she has 1-3 years.  I think I cried for 2 days straight.  I asked what the Dr told her on Monday and that was it.  I'm done asking questions that I really don't want to hear the truthful answer. 

The second thing: Tuesday I took Raychel to the Dr because her seizures were so out of control and they put her in the hospital.  She was not very happy being that she has become so afraid of germs since being so sick the last 4-1/2 years.

Mike and I were to fly out this morning to Phoenix for 6 days and because of Raychel we were not going to go. This was not the 3rd thing.

The 3rd thing:  Yesterday Mike had gone to the dam by our house and went for a 2 mile walk, came home and told me he was going to the gym (cardiac rehab at the hospital) to finish working out.  We were in the beginnings of what they thought could turn into a snow storm.  I stopped by the store to get my batting since I was not going to be flying anywhere and had just got into the car and my phone rang.  It was Mike or so I thought.  It was Aaron, nurse at rehab, she proceeded to tell me that Mike had been working out and all of a sudden he went down and I needed to get to the emergency room.  Once there I was told that they could not find a pulse and was not breathing.  They got to him called code blue and started working on him.  They turned him over and were just going to shock him and they found a pulse and he started gasping for air.  His breathing did level off but was very faint.  He is doing so much better today.  They did not even call for a cardiac consult last night and I could not figure out what they were waiting for.  The cardiologist came in this morning and was so upset that they did not call him last night.  He said he would have taken Mike right in for a angiogram but now they are doing it tomorrow.  They are not sure if Mike has a blockage or if it is a electrical issue.  Mike had 2 heart attacks 2 years ago 2 weeks apart so they are not taking any chances.  I think even if he had not had the previous heart attacks they still would be very concerned with the heart stopping. 

With this being Thanksgiving I should say what I am thankful for.

I am thankful that bad things come in 3's.
I am thankful that Mike and Raychel are both going to be ok.
I am thankful that the rest of my family and friends are healthy and are great.
I am thankful that I am laid off from work for awhile and I get to sew until my fingers bleed.  This has always been my dream.

Happy Thanksgiving to all.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I am sorry to hear of these things.please stay in touch with me.I will deffinately put everyone in my prayers.