I’m not sure about this being home on unemployment. I am laid off until April 1st and not sure what people do all day long. I understand Mom or Dad’s that stay home with their kids but Mike and I don’t’ have kids at home anymore. Mike’s work is seasonal but in the winter he does work off and on so we are together all day. He is working for Donny and Marie Osmond for a few days the end of this month so I will have a few days alone. I love my husband dearly but not sure if I could live the retired life right now, I think I am a little young to be sitting home.
I have been sewing. I had 4 quilts that needed to be quilted.

This quilt I am doing for myself. I always wonder how many quilters keep their quilts for themselves or give them away. I usually give them away but seems like I have given so many away that I don’t know who to give anymore to.

I had all these flannel hst left from another quilt (I always cut way to many) and when I got laid off I made a commitment to myself that I would use what I have. I put this quilt together for Taylor and did not have any flannel for the backing but did have some bright green polar fleece. It turned out perfect and is so soft. She loves blankets/quilts of any kind so I know she will love it.

This is my sister in law, Pat, who just had surgery for ovarian cancer. She came in last week for 4 days and we had such a great time. She does a quilt for each of her nephews and nieces that graduate from high school. Her Mom use to do it but since her Mom’s arthritis has gotten so bad Pat does them now. Her Mom buys the fabric and the pattern and Pat buys the batting and backing and does the piecing. Sometimes the fabric her Mom buys is not the best quality and will stretch when you don’t want it to but she makes it work. We could not find a backing for this quilt in cotton and then we came across this flannel and it was perfect.
We made it thru all 3 days and on the 4th day she said something about the doctor saying she had 1 to 3 years and I lost it. I know I am getting older and so are my friends and family but it does not matter how old you or your loved ones it still is not fair. Her oncologist seems to be more optimistic so I’m going with his opinion.